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Recent Projects

Project | Problems in 3D Design​

Problems in 3D Design introduced me to some of the issues, approaches, and problems faced in developing 3D design projects.  It gave me a better understanding of  how to do computer modeling in a manner that will convey emotion, movement, and artistic intent.  One assignment asked us to design, cut (out of paper) , and glue together a series of platonic solids.  A second assignment instructed the student to design and build a space divider using 9 identical spacial cells, each of which was based on a 5" cube; cells were to be stacked in 3 rows and 3 columns to create a wall surface (with sides touching).  My concept was to convey movement using inset openings of various sizes and by emphasizing the intersections of lines to induce movement of the eye.  A third assignment was to design and build a 3D form using linear layers, of at least 100 identical wood sticks.  The sticks must be stacked to form layers that conveyed visual movement.  I chose to create a sea-snake characterized by an open jaw, recursive spirals and an undulating tail. For more images, please see website:

Project | Animation Storyboard and Video​

In animation, I developed a story board describing the small experience of a hungry man who does not have enough money to buy a taco.  When he serendipitous finds a dollar on the ground, the taco truck has already driven down the road.  View the final video to see what happens!

Project | Zine Publication

​This project was designed to develop skills associated with DIY print production including research, writing, selecting and creating imagery, and use of InDesign/Photoshop software.


I chose to create a zine based on my love of videogames and my interest in a career in the video game industry.  I picked a specific period of time in the development of gaming, which is known as the Bit Wars.  Although in retrospect, this era was one of hype and exaggeration, at the time, fans were highly partisan and divided—no one was a bystander.

I learned a lot about creating printed content through this assignment.  Placement of images, font choice and size, margins, and other design elements are critically important to consider. 

The content of this zine is a combination of my own original writing and content that I downloaded from the Web; all sources are credited on the zine's endpage.

Project | 01

Project | 02

Project | 03

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