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Relevant Classwork


  • Western Civilization III (Spring 2013)                                                                                        B+

  • Classical Mythology (Fall 2013)                                                                                                  B+

  • The First Caesars (Julius Caesar to Nero) (Spring 2014)                                                        B

  • Biblical Archaeology (Summer 2014)                                                                  A

  • The World of the Old Testament (Summer 2014)                                                                  B+

  • Legends and Heroes of Ancient Rome (Summer 2014)                                                        B-

  • Greek Civilization (Spring 2015)                                                                                                B

  • Art of the Ancient Roman Empire (Spring 2015)                                                                    B-

  • Archeological Field Work Abroad: Gangi, Sicily (Summer 2015)                                          A

  • Ancient Philosophy (Fall 2015)                                                                                                  A

Film Studies                                                                                                  

  • Introduction to Film Analysis (Fall 2013)                                                                                 B

  • Introduction to Film Sound: Sounds of the Past (Spring 2014)                                           A-

  • Proseminar in Cinema: Film, Video Games & Artificial Life ( 2014)                                     S

  • The Art of Storytelling (Fall 2014)                                                                                             A-

  • Film Authors (Fall 2014)                                                                                                             B+

  • Proseminar in Cinema: Science Fictions & Echoes of Future (2014)                                   S

  • Film and Literature: Odd Adaptions (Spring 2015)                                                               A-

  • American Popular Music: Rock & Roll (Fall 2015)                                                                  A

  • Proseminar in Cinema: Movies about Television (Fall 2015)                                               S

  • Gender and Film: Rock Culture (Spring 2016)                                                                       A-

  • Proseminar in Cinema Film Noir (Spring 2016)                                                                    S


  • Art of the Ancient Roman Empire (Spring 2015)                                                                  B-
  • Design Fundamentals (Spring 2016)                                                                                     A-

  • Basic Drawing (Spring 2016)                                                                                                   B+

  • Arts of Africa (Summer 2016                                                                                                  A

  • Problems in 3D Design (Summer 2016)                                                                               B+

  • Introduction to Animation (Fall 2016)                                                                                   A

  • Introduction to Ancient Art (Fall 2016)                                                                                  A

  • Introduction to Intermedia (Fall 2016                                                                                   A

  • American Indian Art (Spring 2017)                                                                                        A-

  • Graphic Design I (Spring 2017)                                                                                               A

  • Beginning Digital Photography (Spring 2017)                                                                      A

  • Digital Drafting with AutoCAD (Spring 2017)                                                                       A

  • Graphic Design II: Typograpy (Fall 2017)                                                                             B+

  • Photography II (Fall 2017)                                                                                                      A+

  • Animation (Fall 2017)                                                                                                              B+

  • Graphic Design III: Interaction Design (Spring 2018)

  • Graphic Design IV: Type and Image (Spring 2018)

  • Modeling in 3DX Max (Spring 2018)

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