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Project | 05

Project | 01

Rural Iowa: Iowa is one of the most agricultural states in the country.  It includes more pigs than people.  Many of the farms contain elements of both old farming practices and new techniques and equipment.  I enjoyed documenting some Iowa farms.

Creating a Narrative: One of the most powerful ways to tell a story is through images not words. People are born alone and die alone, and life in between is often an attempt to connect with others. My narrative starts with a stairway to nowhere and ends with images of the grave.  In between, the protagonists show the tension between being alone, being observed, and (rarely) being in a group. The narrative is both linear (ending in the grave) and non-linear with multiple individual stories told in one or two images

Project | 02

Project | 02

Project | 02

Project | 03

Portraiture: In this project I use light to create a photograph of a person that goes beyond the surface and gives the viewer an emotional and even intimate vision of an individual's personality or state of mind. These photographs show my mother and her personality.

Typology: A Typology is when photographs of similar objects, places or people are sorted by type and are put into groups by the characteristics and similarities they share. This series of images shows 19th Century Iowa City homes, from the simple to utterly magnificent!

Project | 04

Emulating a Photographer: Imitating the style of an artist requires that you understand their motivations and inspirations. I chose to emulate the photographs of Alan Kupchick, an American photographer whose images are characterized by strong basic shapes that are part or the whole of man-made structures.  He writes "I see that I create photographs that make the world look like a well-organized, well-structured place, which of course it isn’t. But it makes me feel better to portray it that way."

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